LiveBuzz is known for its full service capabilities for large scale event registration. With deep knowledge and expertise in public facing registration systems, stakeholder/exhibitor platforms, data mining and analytics, data warehousing, lead gen systems, website systems and a full commitment to technical and operational excellence on-site supported by our own event staffing agency.

See Tickets and LiveBuzz perfectly complement each other’s existing activities and will result in significant benefits for clients and consumers alike. 

news see tickets livebuzz

news see tickets livebuzz

news see tickets livebuzz

news see tickets livebuzz 

Emma Eveleigh, MD of LiveBuzz said: “I am hugely encouraged that See Tickets have acquired the business and will invest towards our next phase of growth. I am truly delighted to continue to lead LiveBuzz and combine our respective areas of expertise for the good of the industry. The evolutionary thinking and proven capability of LiveBuzz, is being aligned with an industry titan. Here we go Rock & Roll - what’s not to be excited about”.


Rob Wilmshurst, Global CEO at See Tickets, said: ”We are delighted to have completed this transaction and warmly welcome the LiveBuzz team to the See Tickets family. We firmly believe there is huge potential in this acquisition and the efficient combination of both existing operations will provide a powerful operating framework that will be unrivalled and will greatly benefit all stakeholders in the exhibition space in the UK and progressively in the other countries where See Tickets operates”.


About See Tickets

See Tickets is a leading, independent, full-service ticketing business. Headquartered in the UK, See Tickets has offices in 10 countries including France, US, Spain, Netherlands and Switzerland with 8,000 clients globally.

In the UK, See Tickets’ consumer exhibitions clients include Immediate Live (formerly Upper Street Events and River Street Events), Brand Events, Clarion, Media 10, NCC Events, Raccoon Events, Bodypower, M Squared Media and Touchpoint Live Media.

For more information on See Tickets:

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About LiveBuzz

LiveBuzz is an award-winning provider of event registration, event websites and event staffing. LiveBuzz makes the professional lives of event organisers and event marketing managers better, providing services including digital badges, smooth visitor flow, contactless registration and lead retrieval.

For more information on LiveBuzz:

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