I've got something to tell you, I've got something to say, LiveBuzz put a team in motion and they let nothing stand in their way.

On the Saturday 20th August, fourteen "LiveBuzzers" attacked the infamous Tough Mudder South West. The treacherous course is billed as a "a mind-bending combination of large grassy hills, dense dark forest and quicksand-like mud".

LiveBuzz's objective was to take the team beyond their comfort zone and show that by working together and using our different strength and weaknesses we can win together and accomplish more than we thought possible. This was a real challenge for the LiveBuzz team. Resplendent in LiveBuzz T-shirts, tutu's and legwarmers they prepared for the 12 mile course.

Dan Marson the appointed team captain, delivered a moving motivational speech before the start, stating that: "We will stick together, help each other and that no one gets left behind. We will all finish together."

For over four torturous hours the team worked together, pushing, shoving, and helping other over 20 challenging obstacles.

Despite being stretched beyond their normal limits and getting plunged in ice baths, shocked by electricity, submerged in mud, scratched and bruised, the commoraderie was amazing and the team retained a great sense of fun and laughter. Tired, cold muddy and exhausted the LiveBuzzers crossed the line. Hilarious scenes of the team being shocked by electricity can be seen here.

Following a cold hose down, the team allighted the team coach and headed back to Coventry proud of each other and themsleves. When the going got tough we got going.

Justin Craig (who made the front page of the Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard), joint MD of LiveBuzz comments: "The events sector is demanding, we all work crazy hours, satisfying the challenging operational requirements of complex events and sustain weeks of intense pressure.  To deliver excellence our team have to pull together, trust one another and work for a common goal. Tough Mudder showed us all that we really are there for each other, not matter how tough things get."