The LiveBuzz Group, one of Europe’s largest independent suppliers of registration, website and data services to the Trade Organiser community has enjoyed an impressive run of new client wins and important retentions following competitive retenders.

In 2018 LiveBuzz made a strategic decision to totally focus on client retention and service. In-bound queries are dealt with by an experienced team, but the majority of leads come from word of mouth within the organiser community.

In the past quarter LiveBuzz has won the following new registration clients:

  • Faversham House – Sign and Digital, Net Zero Live, Utility Week Live
  • Clarion – MultiModal – LiveBuzz’s first appointment for Clarion.
  • The London Wine Fair – Brintex
  • Sole Fashion 
  • 73 Media- The Rugby Show
  • Digital City Festival 
  • Geo Connect Asia 2019 (Singapore)
  • DMG - Gas Asia Summit (Singapore) 
  • HR Tech Festival Asia 2020 (Singapore)
  • Reed Exhibitions – IBTM Asia (Singapore)
  • Media 10 – Reappointment and new shows including 100% Design and Clerkenwell Design Week

New Website Clients:

  • AccountingWeb Live
  • One Earth Show
  • HR Tech Festival Asia
  • Low2No Bev
  • The Hospitality Interiors Show

LiveBuzz’s Justin Craig, (Joint MD), comments: 

“At LiveBuzz existing clients come first, new clients are a bonus. We are thrilled to have enjoyed such a terrific period of new client wins. Our existing clients are our sales force. They tell the industry what we do and work with us in partnership to deliver excellence. The success of our clients is our success and we would like to thank them for their support, patience and collaboration in helping LiveBuzz to continue to grow and thrive”.

As LiveBuzz heads into 2020 it remains focused on delivering a market leading level of customer service fort its clients. Justin continues: “There is enormous political and economic uncertainty in domestic and foreign markets. Socially the distrust of social media will only drive the desire for more face to face meetings. Technology will continue to disrupt and environmental issues are finally being given sincere and genuine consideration in the planning of events. LiveBuzz will continue to work with our clients to ensure they adapt to challenges they face to deliver globally leading events”.