Visitor Engagement

Smooth, visitor led interactions no app required

Introducing ContentCapture from LiveBuzz

Empower your visitors to gather digital event content with ContentCapture. Using their own smart phone to scan QR codes located around the show floor, visitors can truly interact with exhibitors, seminar sessions and features, on their terms.

No more missed leads for exhibitors, when their stand is busy. By scanning the QR code on the exhibitor’s stand, visitor contact details are exchanged for the digital content the exhibitor uploaded to their Exhibitor Hub. Leaving the visitor to review MyContent at their leisure, when they log back into to their Visitor Hub.



Empowering Visitors

Enhanced visitor experience

Before the event, once registered and logged into their Visitor Hub, it’s here that visitors can plan their visit, preview exhibitors and engage with the event programme. Then at the event, simply by scanning QR codes with their smartphone camera, visitors can choose to seamlessly add information from Exhibitors, Seminars and Sponsors to their MyContent digital wallet.

The MyContent Update, is the daily reminder sent to attendees signposting them back to their Visitor Hub each day.

No passwords, no log-in details to remember. Just the email or number they registered with.

Real-time Exhibitor and Seminar suggestions pushed to the Visitor Hub onsite.

Data Insight

Supercharged interactions

With visitor led ContentCapture interactions across the event, combined with exhibitor led SmartScan lead generation app interactions, organisers can gain invaluable data insight thanks to wealth of event metrics from these real-time interactions.

  • All your event data in once place
  • Exhibitors, visitors and sponsors registering and engaging with your event on one platform
  • Seamless Visitor and Exhibitor Journeys
  • Enhanced event data, leading to better relationships with exhibitors and sponsors
  • No time-consuming data management or third-party supplier integrations
  • Clear value proposition with Exhibitor ROI

Exhibitor Experience

Energised exhibitors

Exhibitors get to see each visitor interaction instantly, in their Exhibitor Hub. No more missed leads or opportunities when their team is busy with other people on the stand! See Exhibitor Hub for more details.

Adds a new dimension to exhibiting, allowing Visitors to let exhibitors know they’re interested in a company’s products and services, and would like to be contacted.

Compliments the exhibitor led SmartScan lead generation app, from LiveBuzz, by giving visitors the opportunity to engage directly with exhibitors! With all data exchanged in real-time!

Case Studies

A little insight into how we’ve helped