LiveBuzz, award winning event registration, website and staffing provider delivered event registration for Centaur’s flagship marketing event, Festival of Marketing which took place from 5th & 6th October at Tobacco Dock.

Festival of Marketing is a unique experience where many thousands of senior marketers attend what is one of the largest global events dedicated to brand marketers.

Chris Hartley, Commercial Director at LiveBuzz, commented: “We were delighted to be appointed to manage event registration and event staffing for this event. This was our first event working with Centaur, a major player in the UK event market, so it was great to get such positive feedback from the Centaur team about our Registration Management and Staffing team.”

Katie Simmons, Operations Manager Exhibitions & Festivals at Centaur, said: “The LiveBuzz team were fantastic, the pre-show and on-site delivery was excellent and I can’t speak highly enough about the team, especially Tasmin Humphries, LiveBuzz’s Registration Event Manager and Robert Nuca, Technical Manager they couldn’t have done more”

Hartley continues “LiveBuzz’s works collaboratively with organisers to ensure they maximize the value of the registration process pre-show and onsite.  The Festival of Marketing is a vibrant and progressive event which perfectly matches the culture of LiveBuzz.”

LiveBuzz images from Festival of Marketing can be found on our Flickr