2016 has seen LiveBuzz, an award winning event registration; website and staffing provider land several new contracts to deliver registration solutions for leading UK conference organisers.

The first half of 2016 has seen LiveBuzz work with new clients including: The NHS Confederation Annual Conference at Manchester Central, Renewable UK’s International Conference on Ocean Energy at the E.I.C.C, and also their Global Offshore Wind Conference also at Manchester Central. 

Chris Hartley, Commercial Director at LiveBuzz said “LiveBuzz is well known for delivering registration solutions for many leading trade exhibitions. The technology we have developed to manage complex conference delegate requirements in terms of session and seminar planning and for conference organisers – capacity and waiting lists management tools, coupled with strong financial management solutions to manage delegate bookings and payments through a seamless integration with clients merchant accounts are just some of our solutions that have helped position LiveBuzz as a provider of market leading event registration solutions to the UK’s conference organiser community. 

Justin Craig, Joint MD of LiveBuzz adds “nearly 30% of our business is with conference organisers – our investment in developing these new systems to manage complex and bespoke requirements is starting to really resonate with organisers of larger conferences.”

New conference wins for the second half of the year include the British Chamber of Commerce’s Global Business Networks Live, the World Rugby Conference, Soccerex Global Convention.

Images from some recent events can be found on our Flickr